registrar Miguel Estremera
Dr. Miguel Estremera, 61, who served Rutgers University, Newark, for 37 years, died March 29, after a long battle with cancer.  The East Brunswick resident is survived by his wife of 29 years, Norma Estremera, a Rutgers-Newark and Rutgers-New Brunswick alumna; and four children, Gabriel, an alumnus of Rutgers- New Brunswick; Miguel F. and his wife, Kim; and two daughters, Cristina, a  student at Rutgers-Newark; and Marisa, a student at Rutgers-New Brunswick.  He also is survived by his mother, Carmen Weinberg and her husband Harold; two sisters, Jeanette and Gloria, and two grand-children.

Dr. Estremera, a native of Lares, Puerto Rico, was a devoted “soccer dad” and coach.  

Dr. Estremera began his work at Rutgers in the Office of Admissions, but soon after moved to the Office of the Registrar. He was appointed Registrar in 1991. 

Under Dr. Estremera’s direction the Office of the Registrar served thousands of students, handling registration of courses and certifying graduates in numerous and varied undergraduate and graduate programs.  He was a treasured mentor to many of these students as well to his staff, and was the staff liaison for the Latino students’ organization at Rutgers-Newark.

Dr. Estremera was a graduate of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, from which he received his Ph.D. in education in 1993 and his masters in 1982.

Services for Miguel Estremera will be held April 2 at St. Bart’s Church, New Brunswick, at 11 a.m.

Memorial contributions may be made to the National Kidney Foundation in New York City.



Media Contact: Carla Capizzi
973 353 5263