NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Thousands of new and returning students are scheduled to move into residence halls on Rutgers' New Brunswick and Piscataway campuses this month. Move-in days, which begin this weekend at apartment residences for upperclassmen, are expected to bring extra traffic to area roads. Motorists should allow extra travel time.

In particular, Rutgers police advise motorists to anticipate additional traffic during Labor Day weekend on most roads in and around the New Brunswick and Piscataway campuses. Delays are likely on Ryders Lane and College Farm Road near the Cook and Douglass campuses. River Road in Piscataway also will experience extra volume. Roads that intersect College Avenue will have heavy volume as students move into on- and off-campus residences. Additional police will be on duty to direct traffic.

For directions and other pertinent information related to moving on campus, go to: The move-in schedule is as follows:

  • Saturday, Aug. 23: Upper class students move into Rockoff Hall, 290 George St., and University Center at Easton Avenue and Somerset Street. Move-in for both locations takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rutgers police advise motorists to expect heavier than normal weekend traffic on local roads, including George, Somerset and Albany streets, as well as Easton and College avenues.

  • Friday, Aug. 29: First-year and transfer students who will reside at Douglass Residential College move in from 9 a.m. to noon. All other transfer students (those who will not reside at Douglass Residential College) move in from noon to 4 p.m. Honor students at the School of the Arts and Sciences and Discovery House residents move in from 10 a.m. to noon. The Discovery Houses are communities where a select group of students share common academic, residential and social undergraduate experiences.  Students who are a part of the Seeing Eye Puppy Program move in from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Saturday, Aug. 30: First-year students on the College Avenue, Busch and G. H. Cook campuses move in from 8 a.m. to noon.

  • Sunday, Aug. 31: Returning students move into their on-campus residences from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Classes begin Tuesday, Sept. 2.

The ongoing reconstruction of Route 18 between Route 1 and Albany Street has altered some routes in and around New Brunswick. The latest information on road conditions can be found at

Media Contact: Nicole Pride
732-932-7084, ext. 610