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Rutgers Excellence Videos

This is a collection of videos showcasing excellence at Rutgers.

Rutgers Teaches Leaders the Power of Kindness

Coursework Shapes Tomorrow's Leaders

Students in Rutgers Master of Business and Science degree program learn to combine science and engineering with empathy and emotional intelligence—the soft skills that define the most effective leaders. They are challenged to perform five random acts of kindness and reflect on the impact, experiencing how seemingly small acts—helping a stranger, leaving an encouraging note, volunteering time—have a positive ripple effect. These future leaders will put the power of empathy to work alongside science, business, and innovation.

Rutgers Battles Addiction with Research

One in 5 people struggle with substance use disorder at some point in their life. Rutgers Addiction Research Center—the nation's largest comprehensive addiction research center—brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts to reinvent the prevention and treatment of addiction.

Rutgers Is Restoring Freedom and Championing Reform

The New Jersey Innocence Project at Rutgers University is fighting injustice and working on behalf of victims of wrongful conviction. Two innocent men imprisoned for decades were freed in the past year thanks to the project’s investigative and legal work. Additionally, the Rutgers team advocates for reforms to the legal system to reduce unjust convictions—and make our justice system fairer for all.

Rutgers Uses Data For Crime Prevention

To tackle this issue of rising violent crime, the Rutgers School of Criminal Justice developed risk terrain modeling to address areas of high crime without the need for over policing.

With national and international recognition, Rutgers has pioneered a unique approach to reimagining crime prevention. Rutgers' risk terrain modeling technology analyzes root crime causes in city landscapes to improve public safety outcomes.

The Rutgers-led Newark Public Safety Collaborative engages over 40 community organizations providing real world data and insights that empower them to make meaningful actions to reduce crime.

Rutgers' BEAST Is a Game Changer for Structural Tests

When a bridge is compromised, the transit impact and repair costs are substantial. The Rutgers Bridge Evaluation and Accelerated Structural Testing facility (BEAST) is the world’s only laboratory that gathers critical data on how extreme weather and heavy traffic weaken a bridge’s structural integrity—creating, in just one year, a decade’s worth of real-world wear and tear. Armed with this data, transportation departments can make better informed bridge management decisions, saving billions in infrastructure costs and keeping traffic flowing.

Rutgers Fosters Civic Engagement

Civic engagement is a critical component of education and a path toward appreciating our differences, restoring civil discourse, and serving the common good. Rutgers Scarlet Service provides Rutgers undergraduates from all campuses paid internships at government offices and public service-orientated nonprofits. 

Students gain hands-on experience addressing important issues while developing a better understanding of themselves and building relationships with others. The program began in 2022 with 100 students interning in and around the state of New Jersey and has grown in 2023 to include a cohort in Washington, D.C.

Preparing Tomorrow's Changemakers

Rutgers is redefining honors education. Recognized as a national model, the Rutgers Honors Living-Learning Community selects students who have not only achieved academic excellence but are also committed to creating a more just and equitable society. Addressing real problems in the local community, our scholars envision and implement actual solutions—making a difference right away. Through a curriculum designed to have an impact today, Rutgers HLLC scholars leave prepared to change tomorrow.